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2024 Focus – Digital Technologies

In Year 3/4 students research their cultural background and create Google Slides presentations that include images, text, animations and transitions. Block based coding is the major focus in term 2. Students learn to solve coding puzzles using loops and conditionals and program Sphero robots to complete different challenges such as , stop at the line, around the cone and back and around the square.

In Year 5/6 students create a digital class timetable using Microsoft Word. Using the online program SketchUp, students design their dream house, choosing external surface coverings and their own landscaping layout. In Term 2, students are introduced to programming language Logo and are challenged to write text-based commands that when executed create geometric patterns and designs. Later in the term students use block-based coding to command Sphero robots to complete various challenges. This includes designing their own maze and using programming blocks to guide Sphero safely from start to finish.